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What exactly is Rife Treatment? Rife technology was developed by Raymond Royal Rife (USA) in the 1930's. He found that by transmitting plasma wave radio frequencies which were exactly tuned to the frequencies of the micro-organisms he was targeting, these organisms would self-destruct after a short time.
His phenomenal results were reported in the big daily newspapers and the top medical journals of the time. Then his discoveries were suppressed by those seeking monetary gain.
His technology remained lost to the world for 60 years, until in 1997 Barry Lynes published his book "The Cancer Cure that Worked - the Rife story". This started a resurgence of interest in Rife technology, which has seen use worldwide with amazing results.
What ailments can be treated? R.R.Rife found that micro-organisms such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, parasites or mold all have a resonant frequency they respond to. When bombarded by these matched frequencies the micro-organisms would soon self-destruct.
Modern Rife devices, such as the Spooky2 that Glenn uses, have a massive database of 250,000+ frequencies composed into over 40,000 programs designed to address and assist in controlling the pain or symptoms associated with a wide range of ailment, both common and uncommon.
These include chronic fatigue, glandular fever, tinnitus, ulcers, psoriasis, shingles, asthma, migraines, arthritis, blood pressure, candida / thrush, various forms of carcinoma, fibromyalgia, endometriosis, cataracts, headaches, stiff muscles, sports trauma, warts, influenza, and many more.
How does the initial treatment look? The Rife machine can do a scan on a particular part of the body in just 12 minutes. It then comes up with the frequencies needed for that area of the body. The Rife machine can then run the identified frequencies, either directly hardwired to the body or remotely to that individual. The remote option operates using the DNA of the individual, such as a sample of their hair and nails.
Using the remote treatments the individual can just carry on with their busy day, and they will receive the frequencies their body requires. In this way there is no need for face to face appointments.
Treatment regimens are usually run over a month, with weekly changes to the program as required.
How many sessions and how long will this take? Everyone starts out with the Detox program. Glenn usually runs the programs remotely for one month, changing to different programs weekly during that month. On average people report a significant change with just four to six sessions. More chronic conditions can then be addressed with future sessions.
The length of a session depends on the condition being treated. Glenn runs the Spooky2 on a schedule that will be emailed to you. This will give you the times and frequencies over about a month of sessions.
Will this affect other issues I have? As certain groups of frequencies are used for different conditions and ailments it is possible that two or more conditions may be impacted. By being able to use three remotes, Glenn can achieve quicker results at one time for an individual.
What must I do before or after treatments? It is recommended that clients drink up to eight full glasses of water per day, to remove toxic waste from the body. This is essential to assist the body with its own detoxification process.
Other than that, not much. Relax or go about your busy day. The Spooky2 that Glenn uses works remotely, using a bio-sample from you, so you do not have to make an appointment for a face to face session.
What about medication and side-effects? You should continue with any prescribed medication, unless your doctor advises otherwise. There are no known long term side effects. The only effect that some people report is a tingling feeling at the location of the problem. Most people have a very pleasant sleep after their first session.
Could my condition get worse? Sometimes after the first session, people can feel more pain in the affected area, but this usually disappears before the second session. If this is the case, we know that there has been positive contact made with the ailment and perhaps your water intake has been insufficient.