take control of your life

Frequencies / Scan Offered

The Rife machine (Generator X Pro) can do a scan on a particular part of the body in just 12 minutes. It then comes up with the individualised frequencies tailored for that area of the body.

The Rife machine can then run the identified frequencies, either directly hardwired to the body or remotely to that individual. The remote option operates via (quantum entanglement) using the DNA of the individual, such as a sample of their hair and nails. See the videos on the Resources page and the FAQ for more information.

So to treat somebody remotely on the Spooky2 Rife machine, your DNA (hair or nails) are be placed into the Spooky2 remote and the program is then run for the particular set of frequencies of your individual requirements.

There are 250,000 thousand frequencies on the machine and the Spooky2 software is always being updated to add more. Glenn has two machines, the XM Generator which has one remote and the Generator X Pro which has two remotes.

Using the remote treatments the individual can just carry on with their busy day, and they will receive the frequencies their body requires. In this way there is no need for face to face appointments. Having three remotes, Glenn can run treatments 24/7 for different individuals.

Treatment regimens are usually run over a month, with weekly changes to the program as required. Notifications are via email to let you know when and how the regimen changes, including a screenshot of the new frequencies.

When Glenn runs a program for the first time, it is recommended to begin with the Detox program which goes by the technical name "Terrain R-BY". People should feel more energy and life come back to their body and have a better focus and sense of direction.

To contact Glenn and make a booking, see the About page.