take control of your life

The Medical Medium books are a valuable resource and provide a strategy to eating the right foods the right way to restore your health.

Cleanse to Heal (book) "Cleanse to Heal" by Anthony William is an excellent resource on eating your way towards the healing of various disorders.
ISBN 9781401958459

Life Changing Foods (book) "Life-Changing Foods" by Anthony William helps you unlock the incredible hidden power within fruit and vegetables.
ISBN 9781401948320

These books can be be sourced from Organic Nation (Hamilton). You can also find them through »Wheelers.co.nz and some branches of PaperPlus.

This is an overview video on YouTube of the Rife Technology - how it works and what it can do for you.

Spooky2 Online Training Course - Royal Raymond Rife and Spooky2 Machine:

Dr Bill McGraw goes in-depth from the origins of Rife Technology to the development of the Spooky2 software, related devices and their application in practice.
Watch directly on »YouTube.

This video on YouTube explains the advanced physics of quantum entanglement in a layman friendly manner.

Quantum Entanglement: Spooky Action at a Distance:

Dr Don Lincoln explains quantum entanglement and how it operates and relates to traditional physics.
Watch directly on »YouTube.